Generally speaking I call myself The Erotic Coach, and yes just like a business coach helps you with your business and a sports coach with your athletic endeavors, I work with people in their erotic lives, intimate lives, relationships, communication, sensuality, sexuality and be their authentic selves.
Most of us have grown up with society, religious, family and school ideas about sex, often it is not about pleasure, sensation, curiosity and fun… Wouldn’t you agree?
Recently I was the Winner of the Altitude Award ‘Rising Star – Brave Award 2018’ this was so surprising and thrilling for me!.
Surprising because often when I speak of my work people usually have two reactions:
1. They want to run away, wish the floor would open up and they could disappear, I imagine because they are embarrassed about their own love life?
- They are totally intrigued (for their friend of course).
In the past when I have applied for expos / festivals, I have incidences where I have been told the event is full and others have said to me “no it’s not but for me it was full” Or people are rude to me because my work involves the discussion of sex and intimacy.
When I speak at networking events often there is a giggle or a joke, I am totally up for fun. I do wonder though if they would think it ok to giggle when my client is sharing about their abuse that they have never told before, the trauma from a miscarriage, the body holding on so tightly afraid from being raped, the shame of getting an STi and general terrible information we have been given about our bodies, sexuality, sensuality and intimacy. I don’t think so either, often it is easier for us to deflect an uncomfortable emotion than to sit with it and notice what is happening in our own bodies. What do you do?
I know from my own experiences that healing, integrating and owning my sexuality, sensuality and intimacy was a very deep personal development project, nothing like I had experienced before. Speaking of these so called ‘taboo’ subjects brings normality – personally I am not into shock tactics, coarse language and creating more divide. I am about bringing safety, wholeness and naturalness to our intimate lives. I am by no means a saint, I am a Mother of 4 teenagers, they see the best and the worst of me and I hope to do my best for a better world for them.
A New Paradigm
In order for us to have a different more sustainable paradigm with our sexuality we need it to be integrated, develop long term new habits, healing of the old patterns and ways. We need new skills for deep connection, love, communication, vulnerability, embodiment, curiosity and practice.
This is what I bring to the world, I started with energetic healing, mediation and body work nearly 25 years ago, with formal education qualifications, I have discovered the space that makes me sing is teaching and healing; the trauma and pain, unloved parts of us, sensuality, sexuality, intimacy, connection, curiosity through embodiment and safety of the body.
My clients get my spirituality, psychic intuitive, educator, sexological bodyworker all rolled into one, the changes that happen to and with them is nothing short of phenomenal.
My clients experiences…
- Feeling flat, lethargic, not interested in sex to energized, full of zest for life and living, desiring their partner and initiating intimacy.
- Feeling disconnected, no intimacy, wondering is this the end of the relationship to developing connection, intimacy, trust, curiosity, sacredness and deepening love.
- Having had a number of poor relationships, feeling like they lack trust in their decisions, alone, unworthy, lacking skills in the bedroom to knowing the relationship, partner they desire and deserve, developing confidence in their body, self esteem, connection and skills as a lover.
- Pain in the body, pelvis, genitals, disconnected from their sexuality, sexual selves not trusting their body to moving through the pain and into pleasure.
- Knowing there is more… their sexual life is fine, satisfying mostly, somewhere in their being they know that more is possible, and they are not sure how to achieve this. After developing skills and knowledge of tantra, connection, deep introspection, they increase their embodiment of love, pleasure, sensation, arousal for connected intimate love making and ecstatic sexual experiences.
It brings me so much joy, enthusiasm and vigour to bring this work to you and the world. If your intimate life isn’t how you’d like it to be, you might like to start with a conversation. With me. Here’s how you make it happen:
Myola Woods is an Author, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Sex Educator, International Intimacy & Relationship Coach and Winner of the Altitude Awards, Rising Star – Brave Award 2018.
Contact Myola TODAY! 0423919270
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